Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Starting creating

Starting to create
 I thought that I would definitely use the train as an image as there are so many sounds associated with this. You could even go as far as linking the train track to the different snippets of Delia's cut tape, that without one segment the track (both train and musical) doesn't work. I thought I would try using a different coloured background to create this and therefore a different coloured pen as well. Although this is quite an interesting image I like the strength of the dark blue pen, especially in relation to the strength and power of the train.
I thought I would try and create all of the images in dark blue with an orange background. This would mean that there was a constant between the images but that they would still be interesting and have their own character due to the different patterns and coloured paper used.
 I was trying to think of other things that make a sound in a city. Inspired by the found sound noise of a siren I thought it would work to use 1960 style ambulances.
 Cars also make a noise and they have the beep...
I quite like that there is one, two and then three vehicles in the images, almost like a sequence.
I have also concluded that I need to make these images a4 and scan them down. Even though it goes against the resources Delia had available, in the time I have and with this aesthetic it is the only way forward.

Continuing on with this I thought it would be good to combine all 3 images together, to create a noisy scene. This is my design for it. I like that perspective can be achieved from the train coming from the distance. I also like the contrast of the  swirls on the train with the straight lines of the surface it is on. I also chose to have 2 vehicles going in one direction and the car going in the other. I am aware that that it looks like they are going to crash but so what! CRASH is another sound that she could have used. I think also this scene is busy enough to draw attention on the size of A2.
I bought coloured a2 card that was the same as the other coloured paper colours I had ( apart from orange but I think that this works in my favour as it would be too much orange). I wasn't sure about which colour I wanted to use as a background but decided that I really like and want to continue with the dark blue pen. I had the idea that I wanted to work in yellow so I saved that to the second attempt and tried the red. I was quite happy with this and even though it is a lot bigger I was happy that I managed to fill the space well. I wasn't happy with the train as I didn't achieve the perspective that I wanted at the end.

 I like this image a lot better and speed has been captured by the train. I also like how the complimentary colours of yellow and dark blue work effectively and vibrancy is captured by the yellow. I am however unhappy with the ambulance because the front of it, due to the continuous line drawing, isn't in proportion/perspective right. I think I am going to proceed with this as a final a2 poster, just need to hit the collage!

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