Friday, 17 March 2017



How does an image sit on a page, what is the frame?

These are 3 very random things to combine....
I decided that I wanted myself to be riding on the elephant. After drawings it I realised that the image was too weighted in the 2nd half of the frame. I thought it would be a good idea to move the trunk so that it went up the side of the frame instead and have the butterfly there so you follow your sight along the trunk.
Also in the 3rd rough the elephant fits perfectly to the borders of the image and goes right up to the top.

 Unfortunately when I scaled up the image it doesn't fit the frame as well as my roughs did. I like the continuation of the frame to work as the ground which the elephant is on and I do like the trunk up to the butterfly in the top right hand corner however the left hand side doesn't fit as well.

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