It feels strange uploading my life outside of university to my blog HOWEVER I guess it is necessary to show how I time manage. I visualise all of the business going on in a normal week and then have to do lists which I work from whenever there is a gap in my timetable.
During this module my bluegrass band performed out first gig and then our second which consisted of 20 songs. This meant I needed to dedicate time to practice for these shorter deadlines (performances) along side uni work. This did result in missing some things in order to do uni work, and late nights getting into the project. I wouldn't let my band and dancing get in the way of my work, I just like being busy...
I have also discovered that my friend and I are good at getting in the zone when we work together so that is good at killing two birds in one stone. I also prefer working at home than in the studio because I can create my own working space which can be flexible and not break focus.
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