Thursday, 5 January 2017

Quotes from interviews


The direction of my tree booklet is towards capturing the atmosphere and beauty and strength that you feel whilst amongst trees.
I wish to include little snippets of peoples thoughts towards this to further promote the sense of being in oak trees from my interviews.
I am a fan of hand type however I wish to create a professional feel of this book and don't want attention to be distracted by the objectiveness of handwriting. I may try this out later on and compare and contrast the pros and cons though...

'see the colour of the landscape changing over the course of the seasons by looking at woodland'

'you get very often the trees softening the landscape so you can get the mountains and the woodland and I really like that sense of contrast that trees give the landscape'

'as if I was a bird flying over it and looking over at it from a distance'

'Every season brings with it some beauty and interest from trees I think.'

Ruth Pickvance

'I like the smell and the feel, the texture'

'actually think that I prefer naked trees to those covered with leaves. Because you see all of those intricate patterns '   

Michael Dudley

humans and trees work in conjunction with one another'

Christopher Hoare

'Trees are special. They are bigger than us physically and metaphorically'

''Trees have roots in the ground and reach up to the sky, linking earth with heaven'

Trees: Woodlands and Western Civilisation by Richard Hayman

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