Saturday, 7 January 2017

Plan for book

Plan for Book

I firstly went through my interviews to figure out which quotes I wanted to use to accompany my pages. From this I put them into a logical sense order so that they weren't random quotes next to each other.

This seemed to fit well. I realised that I only had 9 quotes which worried me for a few minutes but then I realised that most of the images I want to create will be landscape so they therefore will cover double pages.
After this I found reference photos I had taken and made word documents of images for each quote. So currently I feel that I have the inspiration and ideas for the pages I just need to decide on which media I am going to communicate these with.
Furthermore as I began to make a mock up saddle stitch book it became apparent that this order couldn't work in the first order as the images need to spread over a double page with the crease in the middle so I had to do a bit of moving around. I don't want all of the images to take up 2 sides as I feel some of them benefit from being portrait. This meant that actually I have ended up using more pages than the minimum 16. These are very basic roughs but they make sense when looking at the reference photographs :)
I want the font to be in different places on the different pages so that it is more engaging and less detached from the image and they harmonise together.
I feel that the inside and back page should be a pattern (as they often are) and what better pattern is there than the very characteristic oak tree leaves!

Whilst creating this saddle stitch book I encountered confusion (as predicted) with the numbering of the pages, especially when I added more than the original 16 together. I know that I really need to plan these pages out to avoid confusing and be careful when attaching all the images together on InDesign.

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