Monday, 5 December 2016

Louise Powers interview

Louise Powers , Me

So do you have any stories about trees?

Yeah when my little kitten ran up the tree in our garden which was really tall, bout 4 metres up and she couldn’t get down. She was stuck up there for about nearly an hour so my dad had to go and get the ladder and the ladder wasn’t long enough to get her. So we had to wait till she gradually went down the tree and eventually she got down. And then the next day she did it again! But up a different tree. I guess eventually she learnt not to do it! But we do find her sometimes up the trees and we have to help her like –go this way!

Do you have a favourite type of tree?

I do like apple trees, we have got one in our garden. They are like really big apples and when it is the right time of the year we pick them and then make apple pies and stuff.

So you associate foooooood!

I really like foooooood! And that’s why I like apple trees!

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