Tuesday, 13 December 2016


Collage is a form of image making that I find quite pleasing and am comfortable with. I like having all the inspiration in front of you and developing something by layers and lay out which is very different from the initial imagery available. I like it because you can arrange things until you are happy with them and I just find it a very creative process.
Here I have tried to create images which are 'on par' with punk imagery of its time (whilst rocking out to PUNK music). Their aesthetic has become quite scrap book like but I like filling the page and that it looks quite rough and ready.
It is always very difficult sticking down the collage at the end. I like building up the image to its complete but then struggle with what order to stick everything down.
The limitations of this task made me investigate how to add interesting different ways to add colour and pattern to the black and white with bits and bobs from my "collage box".

To figure out if I am happy with a collage I place it down and leave it for a few minutes before coming back and sticking it down. I also take a photo of my collage before I have stuck it down so I can remember the placing.

Here I have tried to add interesting parts to the images, for example inverse spaces.

Here I have tried to elongate limbs and the microphone for an interesting effect.

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