Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Peers Observational Drawings

I really like how stylised this is. There is beautiful relationship between the loosely painted blocks of the petals and then the fine lines onto. It really captures the plant in a creative way.

This is very interesting as here there has been experimentation with the technique of applying the ink. It has created an unusual pattern and the ink splatters add energy. I think the drip of the stalk is also a nice contrast to the tight patter within the shape of the flower.

This is a very basic illustration, however it has enough lines to portray the character of the plant. I like that parts of it has been left out but you still get the overall effect.

I like the relationship that the dry marks make in comparison to the light and dark wetter lines. This creates an interesting quality to the texture of the illustration.

I thought this was interesting because the contrast between the bold blue and the empty white. It is effective because the silhouette of the plant is very clear. It also works well because there are gaps in-between the leaves which make it not just an empty space but incorporates some of the colour internally.

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