Monday, 17 October 2016

Illumination initial response

Here we had the task of communicating a word through small thumbnail drawings. I found this quite difficult (hence why I don't have a large amount of images). This creative process however made me go past the literal meanings of the word and exemplify images of examples of human mistakes and errors.

Rebuilding our relationship with the natural work can re-animate our own lives, as well as the eco system.

That is the title I ended up with! I had a very strong reaction to this title. This theme has been something I have struggled to concentrate through in both Science and German at school. I found it very difficult engaging with this article.
Trough reading this and thinking about this topic I realised that I am terrified of animals and that this strongly impacts my relationship with nature. I have had a few bad run-ins with animals (owl landing on my head, pack of deer chasing me and bitten by a dog) and this has really shaped how I feel about them. Today I connected that I hate the dark because I don't know which animals are lurking where and the same with being alone outside. I do however appreciate the beauty of landscapes and find forests in autumn especially pleasing.
So, therefore I had a block with this brief when we were discussing it in groups as I hated it, to the extent I asked for another article.
After some thought I decided that I would face this. If I were to get this as a live brief in a job I want to be able to tackle this. I have avoided ever drawing animals so it is probably about time that I try them out-or at least some elements of nature. Perhaps I can even include my feelings into my 3 pieces of work because the article discussing apathy for nature?
I also think that this could be a chance to be inspired by Mark Hearld who does some gorgeous collages of nature and landscapes.

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