I think I need to really strip everything back to simple, get rid of my photos and capture the experience abstractly through the music visualisations as they are the most striking.
I need to keep the colour palette limited and keep really simple type.
Also I need to add information onto the posters... perhaps that of the gigs I actually went to.
Even though screen print is not something I enjoy I think they would look really lovely as a set of large screen prints.
This was a turning point image. It was the stepping stone between attempt 1 and attempt 2 posters. It combined the line work from my long rhythm expressions with type in a poster format.
With these posters I just experimented. I am not going to pretend that I have a lot of knowledge about graphic design but I think they do they job as posters and are unusual, eye-catching and aesthetically interesting.
I think that these 3 are the most successful.
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