Thursday, 15 March 2018

Group Task - Industry Research

Study Task - Industry Research

Working in a team for this project was quite frustrating. We left everything quite late and all just did basic research and collated it all together the day before the presentations. This was fine but meant that we did have a huge variety of research. Only half of the group came to our session and therefore only half of the group contributed any information or input.
The presentation did go quite well but I think if it were to happen again we should divide the research into different sections and allocate that section of research to different people.
We also used a script as a guideline to talk through (so that the presentation wasn't full of words) but did ad-lib and jump in a few times when we had something to add! 
I focused on researching Reportage because I thought that that was the direction my project was doing and I am glad that I did research it because I really enjoyed learning about spontaneity of capturing smalls things.. this is something I have began exploring in my own work through music and musicians.

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