Getting started
Animating images is a new process
to me - the concept took a while to get my head around. Initially I
couldn't even envision creating a sting at home, without an IT technician
getting me back to my document when I double clicked or pressed a button.
However, I created extensive notes from the After-Effect workshops, which
enabled me to experiment with my imagery at home.
My process
I found that I didn't chose to work
with story-boards, as was advised. For me animating was a more experimental
process (probably because it was developing a new skill set). The software was
simple enough to use in reference to my notes. I now have a good understanding of the
different transform properties. There was a lucky coincidence with the uterus which was visible when I imported the image so I decided to incorporate this.
Areas for development
There are still some elements of the software I have no idea how
to use (for example editing initial placements before key frames) but I managed
to create a moving picture and work with what I knew. This meant
that I have had to delete and start some imports again. I also struggle with flicking through
files on the computer because I prefer to have things visually layed out. I found it
difficult sharing the imagery with my In Design publication document. It meant
that whenever I renamed in either programme, the documents had version
alignment problems due to both Indesign and After-Effects working with links.
To improve next time I should make separate folders with copies of the same
documents and perhaps be more digitally/desktop organised.
Reflection on output
I am happy with my sound piece. I
think the quote really sums up the main theme I have been investigating and the
timbre of the song is suitably mellow and eerie, as if one of the women in
Atwood’s dystopian societies were singing. I have also tried to link the motion
of the imagery to the song. The slow legato worked really well whilst having
the mazes merge into one another. ‘Inside’ was a word where it seemed to work well
to pause and freeze the imagery, allowing enough time to add the author’s name
without it being too confusing, and then resuming to finish.
Margaret Atwood final sting? (Converted) from Alex Fox on Vimeo.
Practice animations
Practice animations recorded on my phone (sorry for bad quality).
Trying to figure out how to successfully have one made merge into another maze.